Glenashdale Falls is located in the village of Whiting Bay on the Isle of Arran. A trek to Glenashdale may be too easy for more experienced hikers but its perfect for beginners.

By Bridjes O'Neil

 (Isle of Arran - 09/08/11) My professor casually suggested a visit to Glenashdale Falls because she said it would be a great opportunity for our photographers. We assumed that 1 1/2 miles would not be a huge deal but we were sadly mistaken.

Half-way through our hike we were met by steep inclines up hills. My thighs have never felt so sore in my life. My chest was so tight it felt as if my lungs would collapse.

Our group slowly began to drift apart as we fell farther behind each other. Children passed by with relative ease and puzzled looks at our desperate attempts to catch a breath.

I am not to sure about the length of time it took to climb those hills. But, it seemed to last an eternity. We stood on a wooden bridge that overlooked the Glenashdale Falls. The view was spectacular as you can see in the pictures below.
The hike downhill was scarier. There were no barricades to break your fall if you happened to loose your balance and fall over the cliff. Somehow we managed to make it down in one piece. Our professor called us all whimps because we complained more than a person with arthritis.

The end result for us all was a sense of accomplishment. It taught us a valuable lesson that persistence in the face of adversity is crucial  to overcome any obstacle.


Bridjes O'Neil is a Broadcast & Digital Journalism student at
Webster University in St. Louis, MO. Bridjes recently studied abroad in 
Scotland for a Travel Journalism class. All photos are courtesy of Bridjes 

8/11/2011 11:22:39 pm

My wife and I love to go waterfall hiking, and Glenashdale Falls is what got us started.

You're right - the hike is more difficult than it first appears. I remember it being especially difficult, since we had done a 14 mile hike the day before to the top of Goat Fell! Talk about some tired thighs!


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