Did you know that the Scots use different words for the same types of American foods like French Fries? Read more to discover what the Scots call their "Fries." 
By Bridjes O'Neil

By Bridjes O'Neil (Lochranza- 08/08/11) This is a snapshot of a meal I recently had at the Lochranza Hotel and Country Inn. I am certain that nothing seems drastically different from any other plate of Salmon with fries and salad.

Can you guess what the fries are called in Scotland? Scottish fries are called chips. My confusion led me to believe  I had ordered a "bag of chips" with my fish. Actual chips are referred to as Crisps.

Vincent is between me and Akira.
Our friendly waiter, Vincent, had an unusual condiment preference for his chips (fries). Vincent suggested that I dip my Chips in Mayonnaise instead of my personal favorite barbecue sauce. You might also eat your chips with vinegar, if you prefer.

You may skip the Salad Dressing in Scotland because the Scots love their Salad Cream. The taste of Salad Cream is similar to Miracle Whip. Salad Cream is delightful on cucumbers.

Would you eat a sandwich with butter? 

The Scots do not consider butter an abnormal condiment. There is an old cliche that says, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."


Bridjes O'Neil is a Broadcast & Digital Journalism student at Webster University in St. Louis, MO. Bridjes participated in a study abroad trip to Scotland for a Travel Journalism class. All photos are courtesy of Bridjes O'Neil.

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